Release Notes - OnePlace - Version 242.19


  • [OP-648] - Relationship Visualisation BETA Improvements

Issue / Task

  • [OP-641] - The action of deleting relationships displays misleading message
  • [OP-642] - "I Know" doesn't create the related to "On Behalf" person relationship
  • [OP-650] - List object in Lightning - the Export action is missing
  • [OP-651] - "Export" button is missing on Functions and Publications in lightning


  • [OP-649] - Re-add demo mode to Relationship summary
  • [Multiple] - Backend changes to support 243.0 - Areas of Interest changes

Package link for 242.19:

NOTE: Any client org. installation past 242.0 is required to deploy 242.0 first  ( Due to some inconsistent behavior releasing lightning functionality, some deployment errors may occur in some orgs.