Release Notes - OnePlace - Version 243.3

New Features

Offices Worked From field added to Contact

Matter Contacts object added to replace relationships on the Matter object. ( this change is required to support ethical wall security in OnePlace matters )

New Activity Summary component added which will support displaying Email, Meeting, Function, Publication, Survey, Matter, and Opportunity information for an individual.

Email / Privacy compliance functionality has been added to provide further support for CASL, GDPR, Spam and other e-marketing compliance regimes globally.

OnePlace Panel added to OnePlace to allow information to be merged into word through an Office Addin application. 

OnePlace Panel includes a new Content object within OnePlace to store a library of content assets from Word and Powerpoint documents


Remove placeholder text from new relationship component.

Activities & Functions > Amend Activity Subject to include the name of the Function/Event

Additional custom fields for Invitee Object to support multiple sessions and location events

Survey have been renamed in OnePlace to Feedback


Alert toast timer does not disappear.

Alert message not tracking null return values

List exclusion reason "removed from list" being incorrectly removed.

Error when pressing Manage Contacts on list (for client with large numbers of users)

Minors change made to the background colors of a number of components to support changes in the Winter '18 release from Salesforce.

Relationship Component - Limited number of relationship fixed and forced with a maximum number for large relationship data sets

Package link for 243.3: