Update DBAmp username and password

To update the Username and password for a DBAmp connection (most commonly when a Sandbox environment is updated) you need to ensure you have the following details:

  1. Username of Integration user
  2. Password of Integration user
  3. Security Token for Integration user
  4. Name of Integration SQL Server
  5. Name of Integration Linked Server

Resetting security token

Use the following steps or following the Salesforce instructions (Reset Your Security Token):

Step 1 - Ensure the integration user email address is correct (during sandbox updates it is changed)

Step 2 - Request a new security token

Login to the integration user and then goto My Settings

Set username and password in DBAmp

On the SQL Server which the integration is run from select Server Object > Linked Servers, then select the DBAmp linked server to be updated usually called ONEPLACE or ONEPLACESANDBOX.