Salesforce for Outlook generates a script error at login


Authenticating a new user or changing and re-authenticating an existing user from the Settings link in Salesforce for Outlook can generate a script error when the login panel loads 

  1. Repro
    i. When starting Salesforce for Outlook for the first time the Salesforce for Outlook settings wizard will load and initially navigate to the login page. This also happens when selecting Settings for Salesforce for Outlook in the System Tray and changing the User. 
    ii. When the SFO login page loads a script error is also generated with reference to

  2. Workaround
    i. Selecting "Yes" in the Script Error window when the window pops should click past the error and allow users to supply login credentials and work with SFO 
    ii. Add a registry entry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive and restart Salesforce for Outlook 

    -Close all your programs, you would need to right click on the Salesforce for Outlook icon in the system tray icon and click on Exit to close SFO 
    -Start the Registry Editor on the local machine 
    -Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION 
    -Right Click on a blank area on the right side then click NEW, 
    -In the pop up menu choose DWORD(32bit) 
    -Type in SfdcMSol.exe for the value and press Enter 
    -Double click on the newly created key and select Decimal and enter 11000 for the Value Data 
    -Click on Ok 
    -Restart Salesforce for Outlook and navigate to the login prompt and enter credentials and use normally.

Salesforce not currently providing a fix.  Clients will have to create the registry key identified.